Look up, a world of wonder awaits.

“Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another.” – Plato

About Me
Hi, I’m an Astrophotographer From Wimborne, a lifelong stargazer with a fascination for space & the universe.

After years of deliberation and more important things to spend my money on, I finally decided to get a telescope to celebrate my 40th birthday in 2020 from money I’d saved for a telescope and combination of money gifted to me from friends and family for my birthday.

Ever since I’ve been seeking out clear skies, cursing the constant bad UK weather and even embarked upon the daunting task of building my very own DIY Roll-off-Roof observatory.

Explore this website to come along and share in my astronomical journey.


Building My Own Roll Off Roof Observatory

A step-by-step overview of how I went about building my own DIY roll-off-roof observatory in my back garden (without any plan or experience).


Years of Astro




ZWO Products

